October Directors' Meeting Minutes

October 11, 2018

Present by phone: Brett Pharo, Mark Meurer, Chris Kaeb, Mark Van Roekel, Bryce Freking, Jeremy Refshaw, Kathleen Ewert, John Anderson

Absent: Jeremy Refshaw

Brett called the meeting to order.

  • Minutes from the previous meeting were approved 6-0
  • Director’s Credits - A discussion was held to allow former APSA Directors to use their director’s credits to pay for their Association dues. The director’s credits were used in the past to help compensate board members for travel etc. This system is no longer in place, but the credits remain on the books and were only used to pay for registration and transfers of sheep. Bryce motioned to allow the old director’s credits to be used for annual membership. Chris seconded, the motion passed 6-0.
  • Corporation move – Bryce said the lawyer he had been working with on legal aspects of moving the corporation to MN did not follow through on previous discussions so he has been talking to a different lawyer.
  • 2019 National Sale – After discussion Chris motioned to suspend the 2019 National Sale and to have the board consider each year whether to have a National Sale. Mark seconded and the motion passed 6-0.
  • 2019 Annual Membership Meeting – Spencer, Wooster and Sedalia were discussed as was the Iowa Lamb and Wool Meeting June 14-16. Kathy mentioned the meeting should be in conjunction with a meal and educational event or sheep sale. Bryce made a motion that we send out a list of sale dates and locations and get the membership to help decide. Chris seconded the motion, motion passed 6-0.
  • Web page content – Kathy motioned we take the NSIP tab off the APSA homepage. Mark seconded and the motion passed 6-0.
  • Brett mentioned that the USSES was entering their data on Polypays into NSIP and were also planning to start registering their Polypays with APSA.

Respectfully submitted,

John Anderson, Secretary