December Directors' Meeting Minutes

December 19, 2018

Present by phone: Brett Pharo, Chris Kaeb, Mark Van Roekel, Bryce Freking, Kathleen Ewert

Absent: Jeremy Refshaw, Mark Meurer, John Anderson

Brett called the meeting to order at 8:15 CST.

  • Minutes of previous meeting had been distributed previously. Treasurer report will be sent out later.
  • Bryce moved to have the annual meeting on the Friday night of the CNS in Spencer. Chris seconded.
    • There was discussion on other options and locations and the results of the survey. An attempt will be made to do a live video during the meeting for those not able to attend, but would like to participate.
    • Discussed a meal at Spencer. Bryce and Mark will contact Suffolk breeders on any plans to do a meal.
    • Mark to check on caterer and venue for annual meeting outside the fair grounds.
    • Brett to check on Trent Loos as a possible speaker
  • Bryce reporting on the corporate status;
    • May be better to redo the current corporation and pay any past taxes to IRS. Even if we update the current corporation a new CO address will be needed. The cost of an address is $67 annually.
    • Bryce will continue to look into back years filings and expenses
  • No other new business.
  • Brett did add that he was looking for new articles for the first quarter ‘19 newsletter.
  • Brett adjourned the meeting at 8:45 pm CST

Notes taken by Mark Van Roekel

Respectfully submitted by

John Anderson, Secretary