January Directors' Meeting Minutes

January 8, 2020

Present by conference call: Brett Pharo, Kathy Ewert, Bryce Freking, Mark Van Roekel, John Anderson. Jeremy Refshaw joined the call at 9:20.

Absent: Chris Kaeb

Brett Pharo called the meeting to order.

Old business
  • Minutes of the Dec 19 2019 Directors meeting were approved.
  • Chris Kaeb submitted current financial reports before the meeting.
  • A brief discussion was held on the financial standing of the APSA. It was noted that our finances continue to improve.
New business
  • A discussion was held on a proposal made to APSA by Thiesen Designs to print promotional items like T-shirts or hats with the APSA logo, either for sale by APSA or to directly market those items themselves.
    • APSA promotional clothing has not been available for a number of years. Mark motioned to use Theisen Designs to print and market items with the APSA logo and to have Theisen do the marketing of these items. Bryce seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-0.
    • A discussion followed on whether APSA should collect any fees from Thiesen when promotional materials were sold. Bryce made a motion that APSA would not collect any fees for sale of any items marketed by Thiesen Designs. Mark seconded the motion, the motion carried 5-0.
  • A question had recently come up on how APSA should address transferring sheep registrations within families. After a thorough discussion Bryce made the following motion:
    • The APSA membership may be transferred to new owners without a need to transfer sheep registration provided BOTH of the following are true:
      1. The sheep continue to be registered under the same farm name.
      2. The new farm owner is an immediate family member, i.e. child or parent.
    • John seconded the motion and the motion carried 6-0.

Brett adjourned the meeting at 8:50 eastern time.

Respectfully submitted
John Anderson, Secretary