Present: Mark Meurer, Mark Van Roekel, Kathy Ewert, John Anderson, Bryce Freking, Jeremy Refshaw, Brett Pharo (past president) John Carlson
Mark Meurer called the meeting to order.
Secretary’s Report: No Secretary’s report
Treasurer’s Report: No Treasurers report.
Committee Reports: No Committee Reports for this meeting.
This meeting was called in order to have John Carlson report on the grant he was submitting to NSIIC, (National Sheep Industry Improvement Center) The grant would be to help fund the collection and analysis of DNA samples from participating Polypay flocks in order to compile a genomic reference database. This database could be used to improve the accuracy of EBV’s in flocks participating in NSIP. Parentage and some defects could also be determined, depending on the needs of flocks submitting samples and the capabilities of NSIP.
NSIIC grant proposals would probably be due in July, with October a likely time to find out which grants were successful. In the recent past funding has been awarded to about 25% of the grants submitted. Matching funds for these grants may improve the chance of success.
Kathy mentioned that certain USDA grants have a March submission date, 25% chance of success and grants can go as high as $500,000. Determining the biological question these grants would answer is key to achieving success in the grant award process. Kathy and a research team continues work on this approach.
In previous board meetings board members indicated support for grants that would help establish a genomic reference base for the Polypay breed. The target for the reference population should be at least 3000 individuals, with additional samples submitted yearly.
Bryce made the motion that APSA would put $3,000 toward the matching funds for the NSIIC grant John Carlson is working on should that grant be successful. John Anderson seconded the motion. Discussion followed. The motion passed 5-1.
Industry sources including board members have pledged over 3,000 dollars in matching funds for the NSIIC grant as well.
Respectfully submitted
John Anderson, Secretary.