February Directors' Meeting Minutes

February 25, 2021

Via Zoom

Present: Mark Meurer, Bryce Freking, Kathy Ewert, Jeremy Refshaw, Chris Kaeb, Mark Van Roekel, John Anderson, Brett Pharo

Mark Meurer called the meeting to order.

Secretary’s Report

Minutes from the previous meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer’s report was approved.

Committee Reports

  • Sales: Mark Meurer reported on the questionnaire he had sent out pertaining to having an APSA sale held on it’s own, possibly on-line. There were 34 responses, 24 yes and 10 no. Discussion followed. It was decided 2021 was too early to hold this sale as March was the month considered to be most open. John motioned to proceed on a March 2022 sale. Bryce seconded, motion passed 6-0.

  • Youth Committee Report: Jeremy is working on a scenario for a youth starter flock program. A possibility would be two flocks, one NSIP one non NSIP. Possibly 3 older sheep, one ewe lamb. Applicants would submit an essay and the winner would be chosen based on that essay. Kathy said she would send information on how a program she is familiar with in Kansas works. She mentioned bred ewes the first year with credit toward a ram the second year. Kathy- APSA could give a partial reimbursement to flocks submitting ewes to the program. Jeremy is writing up a draft for a program starting in 2022.

  • Advertising Committee Report: Advertising for 2021 sales has not begun as of February. Advertising for Sedalia will start in May.

Genomics grants update

  • John Carlson’s NSIIC grant. Rusty and John Carlson are meeting with Aussies and Neogen on pricing for samples. Bryce – Probably $30 per sample based on current understanding.
  • Ron Lewis’s AFRI grant. GE/EBV Improving Robustness and Reproduction Efficiency.
  • Kathy Ewert reported on her groups USDA NIFA grant proposal. Genomic Influence on Mastitis. This grant would look at factors affecting udder health including the microbiome of the udder, udder conformation and OPP.

New Business

  • Hurley Rouse registration transfer. There was a request for a reduced transfer fee due to an existing partnership. A motion was made to charge $3.50 per registration. Motion passed 6-0.
  • Newsletter – Next newsletter will come out in late April

Old Business

Chris and Jeremy’s terms as Directors are up this year and both are termed out. We need two new candidates. Nominations are needed before the next newsletter.

Respectfully submitted
John Anderson, Secretary