February Directors' Meeting Minutes

February 24, 2022

Meeting was called to order by President Mark Meurer.

Roll Call: Mark Meurer, Bryce Freking, Matt Chadwick, John Anderson, Mark Van Roekel, Kayla Inbody, Kathy Ewert, and Brenda Murdoch

Secretary’s Report

Report from previous meeting is available on the Polypay Association website for all.

Treasurer’s Report

No major changes for reported for the treasurer report.

Committee Reports

  • Sale - Online Fall-Born Sale - Entries are coming in, deadline is March 7th to Mark Van Roekel.

  • Advertising - There has been advertising going out on the sale, will be going out on social media and in the Shepherd.

  • Genomics - Email from Ron Lewis on his grant was received.

  • Youth - Have received an application for the starter flock.

New Business

  • Board Nominations - Two have been received so far

Old Business

Rhino/Dozer Lamb Research Support- Brenda started the meeting with an update on her dozer lamb research, and her needs for further research. It was decided to contact impacted producers and request funding assistance and then match provided funds as an association.
