April Directors' Meeting Minutes

April 18, 2022

Secretary’s Report

Report approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Income from the sale and registrations brings us up to 37,000 total,

Committee Reports

  • Sale
    • Online Fall-Born Sale Recap: Good first year, Plan to do again next year
    • Midwest Stud Ram Sale (June 14 Show, June 16 Sale)
    • NSIP Center of the Nation Sale (July 30)
  • Advertising - Advertisements needed for the upcoming sales. Get in on the 29th for annual meeting

  • Genomics - Ron Lewis advisory board meeting

  • Youth - Starter flock applications (Olathe, KS & Gaines, MI). Committee hopes to announce winner in June

New Business

  • Annual Meeting - July 29, Friday Night, time will be dependent on other activities shooting for a 7-8 time frame
  • Board Nominations - Three board nominations to fill three open spots, they will go out in the spring newsletter
  • Spring Newsletter

Old Business

  • Rhino/Dozer Lamb Research Support- Kathy provided an update and encouraged the board to support this research. John made a motion that the association match dollar for dollar with any member donations made to ASPA for this research, up to $3000.00. ASPA will work with Kathy to provide the funding as needed. Bryce seconded, after a brief discussion, motion passed as presented. Funds will be ear marked within the ASPA books. President Mark Meurer established a dozer lamb research committee, Kathy and John will serve on the committee and seek out additional board members to serve.
  • John Anderson asked the board permission to utilize a registered Dorset ram to create F1 crosses, board approved.
