Role Call: Mark Meurer, Mark Van Roekel, Bryce Freking, Kayla Inbody, Matt Chadwick, Kathy Ewert
Secretary’s Report
Will be posted on the website.
Treasurer’s Report
Only routine expenses. Balance $35,613.00 with $500.00 in outstanding checks.
Committee Reports
Sale - National Sale - Nothing is concrete, plan to have information to present at the annual meeting. Available to all DOBs, but limited to 2 years of age or younger. June 27th or July 18th as acceptable dates, Van Roekel is checking with WL actions.
- Advertising
- Banner- Advertisement was confirmed
- Michigan Sheep Assoc.- Notice for time for renewal
Genomics - Sample collection has begun
Youth - APSA Starter Flock Grant - Mark Meurer contacted the winner, they will be coming to Spencer.
- Dozer/rhino lamb - All 14 animals that have been analisised show a significant variant in one gene, mapping on that gene has begun
New Business
- New search tool and data tool available, Bryce is looking into having it run for polypays
Old Business
- Annual Meeting
- Friday, 29th @ 8:00 p.m. cdt 4-H Building, at fair grounds at Spencer, APSA board meeting with new members will follow.
- Zoom link- Bryce will set-up link
- Survey about online registrations - after much research we determined that it will not be a benefit to utilize the online system. Matt will develop an excel sheet to link to the website in coordination with the Breed Registry.