October Directors' Meeting Minutes

October 1, 2022

Meeting Called to order by Pres. Mark Meurer.

Roll Call: Mark Van Roekel, Kayla Inbody, Mark Meurer, Matt Chadwick, Nicole Jessen, Zach Meinders

Secretary’s Report

Located on the website

Treasurer’s Report

Nothing to report- Approx. $36,000 on hand

Committee Reports

  • Sale
    • National sale date is set online for June 27, goal to get sale rules in next newsletter.
    • NSIP Sale is set for July 29th
  • Advertising - Van Roekel reached out to ASI mag. so that we can advertise in their magazine; they send them out to over 8000 members. See attached price sheet. Mark Van Roekel makes a motion to discontinue our ad in the Shepherd and place a ¼ page ad in the ASI magazine (Sheep Industry Magazine) for $285.00. Motion passed

  • Genomics - No new information

  • Youth - Strike the requirement for annual meeting attending. Allow kids to apply whose parents own polypays already to encourage young producers. Zach proposed online auction to raise funds for starter flock, including any sheep related items. Matt made a motion to initiate a start flock fundraiser, Zach seconded. Motion passed. Mark is going to verify with Brett P. about the next newsletter date and then confer with Zach and select the date.

  • Dozer/rhino lamb - No new information

New Business

  • Zach gave an update for options for working better with the associated registry. Zach is going to do more research on the program that the Kathadin breed uses
  • Zach discussed the implementing a breed-up program. This was tabled to discuss at an upcoming meeting

Old Business
